
May 25, 2016


Palmistry Palmistry, composed by Samudra, a sage and ascetic, is an integral part of ‘Samudrik Shastra’. A person’s hand is eternal and horoscopical mirror designed by […]
May 25, 2016


Numerology Modern Numerology is the gift of ancient Hindu scholars. It was India which gave ‘Zero’ to the world. It was Brahmagupta, who invented Algebra and […]
May 25, 2016

Gems and Stones

Gems and Stones The word Ratna (the gems) was first mentioned in the oldest book that human civilization has produced, the rig veda. They reference is […]
May 25, 2016


Horoscope In ‘Jyotish1 Astrology is called as the controller of time and a person, knowing astrology, knows (or is supposed to know). ‘Yagya* (Sacrifice) also. In […]
May 25, 2016

Feng Shui

Chinese Astrology – Feng Shui There is an ongoing craze towards Feng Shui for the past five years and there have been much deliberations, discussions in […]
May 25, 2016


Consultancy Everyone always curious about their future. so in the Agyat Darshan give you astrology consultancy advice online prepare some service for Our clients. We divide […]
May 25, 2016


Indian Astrology Indian Astrology, called the Jyotish, is universal and timeless. Jyotisha is one of the most time-tested and oldest systems of astrology in the world. […]