About International Vastu
To Study the prevailing Vastu Rules in all the religions, Culture and system of the World, To make research on Astrology and building-art, and to spread the knowledge to the mankind. To establish aminity, friendship and harmony among all the religions of the World.
To provide one platform for prevailing various concepts of Indian Vastu & Astrology. To Establish national Intergration. To develop moral and ethical properties in human being.
To establish the Scientific aspect of Vastu, Astrology, Mantra- Tantra & Oriental Indian Science. To give training of above science. To establish again the old oriental Indian science. To organise Conferences and Sammelans for the above purposes.
To establish general Libraries, Lectures and establish the offices of the Association in different parts of the world for the benefit of members and disciples.
To collect old manuscripts, preserve them and to print them. To publish the articles of Jyotish, Vastu, Tantra-Mantra & Oriental science.
To organise Vastu Exhibition, Symposium, Sammelan, Lectures, audio-visual cassettes, slides, software for spreading knowledge and to create aminity about the subjects.
To promote all the acts responsible for the benefit of mankind. To help weaker, widows, mankind, creatures without any distinction of caste and creed.
To collect money to meet the needs of Association, to organise Conferences, To install patron, life member, Associate member. To establish different committees at district and regional levels and to spend extra collected money for the benefit of disable, weaker-sections of society,
development of animals and social services.